Who We Are
A brief history: In February of 1955, Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer held her first Divine Service at the YWCA located on the corner of 4th and Allen Street in Owensboro, KY. A new chapel was dedicated in 1960 on Frederica Street and eventually, in 1961, the congregation changed their name to Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church. In the summer of 1974, a new church building was constructed and Peace moved to her current location. Over the decades, Peace has dedicated herself to the mission statement, "...in every word and deed we glorify the name of our RIsen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." During that time the Lord has seen fit to glorify HIs name through the administering of His Word and Sacraments found in the Holy Bible and through confessional, liturgical, and Lutheran heritage that is historical and open to all. As well as many years of teaching pre-school age children in the community at Peace Lutheran Pre-School. We are thankful that Christ has sent His Spirit to Owensboro.

We Are Biblical
In the final verse of chapter 20 of the Gospel of John, he writes, “these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name (20:31).” Almighty God has revealed to humanity certain knowledge about Himself. This knowledge can be found only in the writings of Holy Scripture. It’s only in His Word that life and salvation are revealed and given to us. This same Word gifts us with faith which comes from hearing the word of Christ.

We Are Liturgical
The word ‘liturgy’ has many meanings. In a wide sense, it is defined as a public service in the sense that the proclamation of the Gospel and administration of the Sacraments is God’s service done on behalf of His people. The Divine Service, though done with human hands, is the work of God delivering His gifts to His people. These gifts are the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation through Jesus Christ. The way we pray and the words we use to pray are drawn from the words of Holy Scripture and are centered in Christ. Our rites, ordinaries, and propers draw from a rich Biblical, historical, and cultural foundation.

We Are Confessional
With St. Peter, we confess that Jesus is "the Christ, the Son of the Living God." (Mt. 16:16) Having received the Word of God we boldly and faithfully confess it in our congregation and community. In all that we say and do, Jesus Christ, and him crucified, is at the center.

We Are Lutheran
Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church subscribes to the Book of Concord which is the historical confession of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. It rightly teaches the Doctrine that Almighty God has revealed to humanity in His holy Word. Namely, the person and work of Jesus Christ. It is this Jesus that Martin Luther sought to refocus the Church on during the Reformation of the 16th century.